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Nezar Abdulrazzak Al-Anjari is the founder and general manager of NAB. He is a registered architect with strong background knowledge in architectural design, planning, and local regulations. Arch. Nezar received his Bachelor Degree from Iowa State University (USA) in 1985 then returned to Kuwait to join the Architectural Planning Department of Kuwait Municipality as a Project Manager for many projects in the department. 

In 1996, Arch. Nezar established an architectural-engineering firm, Nezar Al-Anjari Consulting Bureau (NAB), to provide full consultancy services in all engineering fields including architectural design, interior design, planning, and more. 

Today, we are glad to see NAB’s growth with over 100 employees, having designed and supervised many of Kuwait's landmark project. We invite you to take a tour of our web site and kindly drop us a line to give us your impression, or if you would like to join forces to work on any project in Kuwait or elsewhere in the world.

Tarek Safwat Zen Al-Abedeen is NAB's Technical Manager and a registered professional Architect with over 30 years of successful experience. He graduated from Al-Zagazig University (Egypt) in 1985 with a Bachelor Degree in Architectural Design. This experience initially started in Egypt where he spent 7 years working as a designer and construction supervisor. In 1992, Eng. Tarek made a remarkable shift to Kuwait. He later joined Kuwait Municipality in 1994 and worked at the Planning Department for over 6 years. 

Maintaining his rank as Municipality Officer, Eng. Tarek, jointly with Arch. Nezar Al-Anjari, established "Nezar Al-Anjari Consulting Office" in 1996 holding, to-date, the Technical Manager Position. Today, Engineer Tarek is around the clock Technical Manager of the Consulting Bureau (NAB), ensuring internal controls are established and functioning to achieve the mission and objectives of office. He is also responsible for determining task assignments for Heads of Departments and Projects Managers, and enforcing quality standards. He is known as a bright decision maker with the ability to secure both control and accountability. Eng Tarek is well known for his superior and close monitoring to work progress and excellent communication style.